Tuesday, 30 September 2014

September 30 - Math Science

Reminder: Math Test Surface Area Wednesday Oct 1
                  Science Quiz - Topic 1&2 Oct 2

Some additional guiding questions for your science review.

1) Examine the picture of the eagle.  What structural and behavioral adaptations does it have that enable it to obtain food? 
2)  What are the advantages of a broad niche?  When can these advantages turn out to be disadvantages for different species?
3)  Define the term 'species'  using your own words.  Are all organisms that look alike the same species? Are all organisms that look different from separate species?  Explain your answer. 

4)  If an area of tropical rainforest were cleared to make room for a farm, how might the local wildlife be affected?  Would the consequences be worse for specialists or generalists?      



Both Ebola Tasks due Wednesday, October 1.

Bring your reading book to class on Wednesday  to complete our D.I.R.T response.

Please share your documents:

Ms.Peterson: jepeterson@educbe.ca
Ms.Atwal: jkatwal@educbe.ca

Monday, 29 September 2014

Science Quiz Thursday

Hi Everybody...

Here are a few questions to consider during your prep for the Science quiz on Thursday (topics 1-2).

What are the advantages of a broad niche?  When can these advantages turn out to be disadvantages for different species?

The Bubonic Plague, or Black Death, kills people every year.  However, it was devastating when it swept through Europe in the 6th, 14th, and 17th centuries.  It killed 90% of the people exposed to the germ and resulted in the deaths of approximately 137 million people.  Why was everyone not killed by the Black Death?

If an area of tropical rainforest were cleared to make a farm, how might the local wildlife be affected?  Would the consequences be worse for specialists or generalists?

One variation seen in birds is the placement of the eyes.  The American woodcock bird feeds on worms in the ground.  Its eyes are located virtually on the top of the head.  Explain how this variation may be a useful adaptation.

Explain the benefits and drawbacks of being a koala bear.

Thursday, 25 September 2014


Ebola Critical Thinking Task

 First task needs to be completed for Friday, September 26 and shared with your teachers.

Second task -- you will get one period on Tuesday to complete and it's due on Wednesday, October 1. There will be no class time on Wednesday to complete your task.

Ms.Peterson: jepeterson@educbe.ca
Ms.Atwal: jkatwal@educbe.ca


For Friday, September 26 bring in your immunization forms. Wear blue and red for the Terry Fox Run/Fall Field day!

Monday, September 29 - no school.

Tuesday, September 30 - deadline for WestCoast Forms.

September 25 - Math/Science

Today we worked on completing the Symbiotic Relationship Matching Task.  Your matches are to be complete for Tuesday.

We also handed out a review assignment for problem solving Composite Surface Area.

See D2L content for these documents.

Ebola links

Helpful resources:

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Math Homework - September 24

Try this problem for homework.  Hint - you will need to apply Pythagorean Relationships to find some of the side lengths of the roof.

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Humanities - Tuesday, September 23

1. Introduction to Government:
- notes related to govern, government, governance - in D2L
- green handout; 'treasure hunt' through chapter 1 (started working on this today and will continue throughout the week) - in D2L

2. Ebola Critical Thinking Task
- launched today
- task is in D2L

- Students are to complete 2 tasks of the 7, one due on Thursday and the other due Wednesday next week

- This project connects current events, humanities and science. Whichever 2 tasks students choose, they need to provide an understanding of the current situation of Ebola (see overview of Ebola below)and how it connects with their science concepts (see below). Furthermore, in order to take this task to the next level in terms of critical thinking, students should make connections to societal worldviews, values and beliefs of the countries and citizens involved, make possible connections to history (finding information through research), and offer various perspectives to the issue.

Students viewed the following videos yesterday and today:

Overview of Ebola
·      What is ?
·      Where does it come from?
·      How does it spread?
·      How is it treated?
·      Where in the world is Ebola?
·      What is the response from around the world?

Making connections with Science
·      Natural Selection
·      Value of Variation
·      Structural and behavioural Adaptations
·      Speciation
·      Different kinds of niches
·      Relationships (parasitism, mutualism, commensalism)

Helpful resources:

Science Homework

Please complete your Venn Diagram: Topic 2 - Habitat and Lifestyle for Wednesday.


Sept. 26: Wear Blue and Red for Friday's Terry Fox Run and Fall Field Day
Sept. 26: Bring back Immunization Forms
If you are interested in attending the Westcoast Trip - bring back form

Monday, 22 September 2014

Math and Science Homework


Surface Area: 2 question assessment --show work and formulas used.


Read Pages 16-20 in your Science Textbook.
Make a word cycle using the following words: environment, competition, broad niche, narrow niche,specialists, generalists, and specializations

Example of a Word Cycle

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Homework: Math/Science


Surface Area Problems: #4,6,8,9,15,16 (Posted in D2L - Under Math 9)


Current Events: Ebola Questions

Humanities Sept. 15-18

We've had a busy week in Humanities.

Students were introduced to the core concepts within our Social Studies component of Humanities, they worked with key terms, and were to reflect upon the BIG Questions that will be present throughout our year. Much of student work is to be completed in their visual journals; please ask your student to see their work and use this as a base for conversation to learn about what we are doing in Humanities.

The core concepts of grade 9 social studies:
1. Canadian respond to issues differently, according to individual and collective identity, beliefs, values, and perspectives
2. By responding to issues, we can affect our quality of life
3. Canada’s federal political system shapes government decision making, our actions and our participation in decision making
4. Individual and collective rights influence how government can act
5. Government decisions affect our quality of life, and what we value and believe in
6. Our economic systems and decisions affect our quality of life
7. Values shape political and economic decision making
8. Many factors affect our quality of life, citizenship and identity
9. People can think critically, perform research, develop informed positions and take actions on issues

Homework for this weekend:

1. My Critical Thinking Response (*This will be completed in your journal* for Monday)

Using the Guide to Critical Inquiry (see attachment in content section of D2L), answer one (two if you would like :-) ) of the following questions:

A)   What does citizenship mean to you?
B)   How could being a Canadian citizen affect your individual or collective identity?
C)   How do government decision affect quality of life, citizenship and identity in Canada?
D)   How do healthcare service connect to citizenship and quality of life?
E)   How do rights and freedoms affect your identity and quality of life?
F)    How might factors such as identity and citizenship affect your behaviour as a consumer?

-       Your response needs to be thoughtful and mature
-       Include your own beliefs, values, thoughts about the topic
-       Include your understanding of the vocabulary
-       Can you offer perspectives
-       Explain why and how and provide examples

2. Ebola current events article, questions, and inference paragraph
- due for Monday

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Share Our Understandings

In Science today, students had the opportunity to share their understandings of Natural Selection, Variation, Structural Adaptations, and Behavioral Adaptations. Students have been gathering their information from a Natural Selection Gizmo as well as a KWL chart on structural and behavioral adaptations. Students first communicated in their table groups and formed their charts. After communicating in their table groups, they commented on a peer group.

Thursday, 11 September 2014

Terry Fox Run and Fall Field Day

September 17, 2014

Terry Fox Run and Fall Field Day - September 26, 2014

Students were given fundraising forms today and encouraged to collect donations to support our school fundraising efforts for the Terry Fox Run.